Recovery Phrase Recovery Tool

What is it?

If you wrote down a BIP32/breadwallet/Hive 12-word recovery phrase, but somehow ended up with only 11 words or your phrase is considered invalid, this tool can try to repair your phrase for you. You must have either 11 words of your phrase in the correct order, or 12 words of your phrase with one of the words being incorrect (resulting in a "bad phrase" error message).


This page is not affiliated with any company or product, and is provided as-is for users who are interested in using it. By using this site, you agree to assume all risk. The author of this software will not be held responsible if the security of your bitcoin wallet is compromised as a result of using this site.

How can I remain safe?

This page is 100% open source, which means anyone is free to view the source code and ensure the software is not designed to steal your bitcoin. However, entering your phrase into a computer or website is generally a bad idea, as it could be copied by malware, keyloggers, network eavesdroppers, or even people viewing your screen. As soon as you recover your funds, please move them to a new wallet and discontinue use of any recovery phrases you enter here.

I understand the risks of using this site and take full responsibility.
